Surprising Tip for Managing Your Anxiety!

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April 13, 2017
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May 14, 2017

How can you be less anxious? Here’s the scoop – and just in time to plan for Screen Free Week!

As Anderson Cooper found out, there’s a good reason to take tech breaks: Smart phones have been designed to grab our attention, no matter what!

In the “race to the bottom of the brain stem” where fear and anxiety rules, you are hooked to being glued to your screen.

Check out this clip from 60 Minutes, which aired on Sunday, April 9, 2017:

Screen Free Week is a great antidote.  The organizers invite you to join in during the first week of May: “Plan to unplug from digital entertainment and spend all that free time playing, daydreaming, creating, exploring and connecting with family and friends!”

Take time for a technology-free zone here.

Michael Anne Conley
Michael Anne Conley
As a habit change expert, my approach to transforming habits is the result of 30 years experience serving clients who are dealing with all kinds of habits that create problems for themselves and others. (That includes the habit of worrying about someone else's habits!) As a holistic therapist, I've developed a step-by-step process that can help you stop feeling energetically drained, wondering what you're doing wrong or what's wrong with you, and start creating healthy habits that serve you in moving your life where you want to go.

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